All Community created Funds

Employee powered PAN-India COVID-19 fund
0 nonprofits
Employee powered PAN-India COVID-19 fund
Fundraiser for Association for India's Development (AID) to help provide relief to thousands of migrant workers, public health workers, and citizens stranded across India due to Lockdown across India. Cisco bright funds will match every dollar you donate to this fundraiser. AID works with 100+ NGOs across India and receiver of inaugural Global Contribution to India award. The popular movie Swades is based on AID founders and reflects the work done by thousands of similar projects in India. Funds will be used to give immediate relief and post disaster reconstruction of livelihood of the poorest of the poor in India. This is an Employee powered PAN-India COVID-19 fund that intends to reach poorest of the poor in India. As of April 1, 2020, following organizations have been supported by AID i) Savera Foundation - $3500 ii) Program for Social Action - $2700 iii) Partners in Justice Concerns - $3000 iv) Center for Development - $6500 and Vihaan - $5000 v). AID India, Chennai - $25000 vi) Rural Development Service Society Andhra Pradesh & Telangana - $5000 vii) Karna Subarna Welfare Society West Bengal - $1000 viii) Bal Evam Mahila Chetna Samiti Rajasthan - $8000 ix) Mohammed Bazar Backward Classes Development Society West Bengal - $8000 x) Bombay Sarvodaya Friendship Center Maharashtra - $10000 xi) Janpath Gujarat - $8000 xii) Jan Jagaran Shakti Sangathan Bihar - $5000 I feel following are the benefits of including AID India into our relief efforts: 1) Pan India presence. AID has presence across most of the Indian states with over 300+ network of NGOs 2) Works in almost all domains of social service – Education, healthcare, livelihood restoration post-disaster, child and maternal health, environment, agriculture, mental health 3) Widely recognized and winner of Global contribution to India award given by Indian Prime Minister among many other awards 4) One of the forefront organizations in disaster relief in India. Most of the time AID stays back and restores the livelihood of people affected. 5) Most projects are visited by volunteers and donors based in the USA, giving it high transparency. 6) Has 35+ chapters across USA reaching to a very wide volunteer and donor base. 7) Has 4 star Charity Navigator rating with 94.7% program expenses COVID-19 efforts: Currently, they are addressing health care issues and donating several thousand medical supplies. In India, due to a sudden lockdown, millions of people are migrating to their native villages. This is alarming, given the scale. AID is at the forefront of organizing relief efforts across India. Many organizations are focused on most metropolitan cities, but AID is reaching out to the remotest corners of India.
Providing Hope in Cincinnati During Uncertain Times Fund
1 nonprofit
Providing Hope in Cincinnati During Uncertain Times Fund
Founded by James N. Gamble of Procter & Gamble in 1924, City Gospel Mission helps the homeless and hurting break the cycle of poverty and despair…one life at a time. They engage, equip and empower those in need with the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical skills and resources to achieve long-term life transformation and self-sufficiency. They don’t know how COVID-19 will impact the community in the coming weeks, but as public places close where the homeless hang out during the day, like libraries, parks and public facilities, they anticipate more people needing meals and services. City Gospel Mission will not close their doors and they will continue to serve some of the most vulnerable in our city and be there for anyone who needs them. Necessary safety precautions are causing an unplanned strain on their budget and resources, and they urgently need our help to fill the gap, and the people they serve will need our help right now and in the coming months more than ever. We have created this fund with the hope of raising at least $10,000 using our own donations and VMware match. This fund can also be shared externally so that anyone can contribute, but only VMware employee donations will be matched. You can also help by registering your Kroger Plus Card. Each time you use your Plus Card when purchasing groceries, Kroger makes a donation to City Gospel Mission to help feed the hungry in our community. All you have to do is register your card at You can find more information about City Gospel Mission at Please join us in supporting City Gospel Mission to help them achieve their purpose of breaking the cycle of poverty and despair…one life at a time.