All Community created Funds

Greyhounds Make Greyt Family Members Fund
1 nonprofit
Greyhounds Make Greyt Family Members Fund
Help our 4-legged friends during Covid-19 shelter in place. While we are all sheltering in place and keeping the world safe, we see many businesses affected by Covid-19; however, we may not think about some of those affected in the downstream of those shuttered businesses. Please help our 4-legged friends who are also forced to shelter in place. 100% of your donation goes to the care and feeding of these wonderful dogs!! With delays and suspensions of travel for transporting greyhounds to adoption groups across the country, the greyhound farms are bearing the brunt of the costs for caring for these wonderful animals until travel restrictions are lifted. Greyhound Pets of America Greater Northwest is not only trying to support any dogs arriving to our area for adoption, but also supporting the dogs who are delayed in being moved by sending monetary help to the farms themselves. When their racing careers are behind them, adoption groups like Greyhound Pets of America Greater Northwest spring into action and are responsible for finding forever homes for these wonderful animals. Greyhounds are often called 45mph couch potatoes for a reason. They love to run...but they also love to rest...on a couch, a lap, at your feet!! These groups raise funds through donations that are used to pay to have the dogs transported and ready to adopt to their forever homes; this includes vet visits for teeth cleaning and shots, neutering or spaying and any other medical needs when the dogs arrive to the group. The groups' volunteers spend countless hours raising funds, finding suitable homes and fostering greyhounds while homes are found.
Help us Provide Safe Drinking Water for Poor Communities in Sierra Leone Fund
1 nonprofit
Help us Provide Safe Drinking Water for Poor Communities in Sierra Leone Fund
THE CHALLENGE: Sierra Leone is currently off track on meeting the target of halving the percentage of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Only 57% of the country's population have access to safe drinking water. 30% of all schools are without running water and 14% of all under 5 child deaths are due to diarrhea and other water related illnesses. Women and girls are particularly affected spending time and energy on water collection on daily basis. OUR SOLUTION AID, through its EMAS Technology adopted a low-cost self water supply concept, providing technical WASH facility implementation as well as training for local WASH technicians. The promoted low-cost Water Self-Supply technologies in Sierra Leone include a wide range of low-cost options such as hand drilled wells, rain water harvesting systems, household water. The presented water self-supply approach follows a do-it-yourself and an added value principal. LONG-TERM IMPACT: AID, through the use of Emmas Technology has been able to construct over 800 wells in various communities in rural areas in Sierra Leone. With the great impacts our intervention is making in addressing the growing water concerns of poor people, we are committed to reaching more communities as clearly articulated in our 2020 vision to reach up to 2,000 communities. AID is also very determined to also implement the Emmas Technological approach to other parts of Africa.